Sunday, December 4, 2011

narrative sermon on the hemorrhaging woman (Mark 5:22-34)

Last June, I attended a preaching workshop and heard a sample of narrative preaching by Dr. Jeff Frymire. I was fascinated and wondered whether I might be successful in using this form. My previous sermons had been received reasonably well; but I still hoped to find a more effective way to communicate creatively and connect well with people.

I recently preached my first narrative sermon at Bremen Church of God in Indiana. It was an enjoyable experience for me, and I received encouraging feedback afterward from both the pastor and the congregation. I did not know anyone there other than the pastor and the visiting worship leader; and I consider this a very positive experience. As usual, I have some room to improve. However, I will try this again with more confidence. I will post reflections separately about the experience of preaching this particular text.

The sermon is posted on YouTube in two parts.

Part 1:

Part 2: